Final Review 09/10/2021  

“That happens with parents sometimes. We don’t see what they sacrifice until they are gone.”

Dreams. I began to hate them. They held my fears and my hopes, and dashed them both.
Rise-of-a-PhoenixShannon Mayer|83x125Rise-of-a-Phoenix|125x125Khristine Hvam|83x125

(Nix 3) Rise of a Phoenix by Shannon Mayer

My thoughts on Review spoilers, and ratings may be relevant before you venture below --- the spoiler line ---. Click the [Back] button there to return here if you take a look. Review 750 words 1170± words with commentary.

My Rating: 4-0-RWB-Rate

This 4 star rating is not for this book alone. I am recommending.. but only within very specific parameters. My recommendation and rating is for the combination of Nix 1, 2 & 3 together ONLY. On any one of these single books I have no recommendation and no rating.

On any of these book alone, I would NOT RECOMMEND. If you're basing your decision on my recommendation, here's why...

A story, however short or long, has a beginning, middle, and end. Nix 1 is the beginning. Nix 2 is the middle. Nix 3 concludes well enough to say this is a complete story -- if all 3 "books" are included. I know there is a book 4, and book 5 is (currently?) on the way. I'll not be reading those. I'm happy with the conclusion of the 3 book story.

For those who like Shannon's work, book 3 does have a lead into book 4. Nix 3 concludes well enough to go for the 3 books as ONE STORY, or not.

You can not skip Nix 1 & 2. If you do read those first, this Nix 3 "book" lights the STORY on fire, like a good Phoenix should. Pun intended.

I've considered this series and their reviews at some length and have added a "POST CONCLUSION COMMENTARY" regarding my concerns.

Generally:             --- the spoiler line ---
We're going places now. Nix appears to have some reliable allies now. Some relief has come... cancelling the endless sniveling/vengeance act. Nix appears to have come "into herself". She's becoming what some hoped you would believe about her two books ago, but it just wasn't convincing. She has "powers" now. She's dangerous now. Reveals to questions you didn't know you had are being answered.

My beloved characters Dinah & Elenaore have their full back story filled in, and it is tear wrenching!

Sincerely, if this had all been one book, I'd be pissing myself with the joy of the brilliance of the writing. It is good. The book by itself? Could not stand alone, end of story is what it is, it would be without context entirely.

Of Note:
After finishing this book I was already pissed off about the first two. I was thinking, if Shannon had planned better, all the dozens of reveals in Nix 3 could have been answers to questions of the earlier books... they just were not written that way so each book could climax and conclude.

Granted, in book three, it's orgasmic with goodies. It's easy to see why so many folks so dearly love Shannon's books.

I just happen to be old, read endlessly, and studied writing for decades. There is experience writing, reading manuscripts, editing, ad nausea and I still wasn't sure why i didn't like the first two books, initially. I always wanted to read more but it all felt off.

Likes / Dislikes:
Boy, what is not to like about this book? Did I mention orgasmic? Hope every adult understands that pleasure. It's good. It's fun. Just wow...

Dislike: This is not specifically about this book, series, or Shannon in particular. My Amazon library is massive. Why is it I can scroll down that very long list and see "update available" every 6-8 books?

The Technical:           Critique Info
I think most this review has been critique. There's nothing wrong with Shannon's writing at any given scene. She's a top notch indie writer, likely with awards and what-not. She violated the reader/writer contract in this series. She made it near impossible to continue to suspend disbelief. She ended books... not poorly, as in "it was a tragic ending". Complete stories can end on very disappointing notes, the protagonist dies for God's sake in plenty of them.

Not what happens. What has happened is we pay for three books, and in my case, additional audiobooks, and receive one story.

Thank God, I'm the "odd one out" in the review stream. I sincerely do like to encourage writer's early in their career or give old favorites accolades. This one I'm rather confident I took way too personal. For that, Shannon has my apologies.

I enjoyed the three book story. I know there is a fourth book. Don't own it, won't read it. On second thought, given the right motivation, I might.

I recommend the first three books of the Nix series combined. This is a paranormal fantasy genre story with a mystery/quest type plot that comes in, Nix 1, the beginning, Nix 2, the middle, and Nix 3 the end, mostly.

None of them stand alone. I understand the loyal and loving fans of Shannon Mayer, but she utterly failed her readers with this tragedy. Commonly, in this genre particularly, a series can go for decades beyond the expiration date of the story. The majority of them CAN do it well as each individual book largely asks a question, and answers that question in that one book. I didn't see that with these books.

Across the three books, it happens. There's so much wrong with this. I can go through dozens of series in this genre where the plot arcs over 6-20 books. I've seen plot arcs over three books, then three more seemingly unrelated, then two more with another plot arch, then another three that actually pulls all 11-12 books together. I've seen Isaac Asimov take entirely unrelated books written decades apart and string them together.

In all of these however there was a primary question early in each book, and an answer. Casual readers don't think about such technicalities, but they do notice with some degree of dissatisfaction they often can't identify.

Nix one. Find the question, there are plenty. Find the answer to any. Opps, it's just the beginning of the story. Will Nix get revenge? She's going to try even harder to get revenge... that's a transition to the middle of a story.

Nix two. Find the question. There are plenty. Find any answer to any of them... Opps, it's just the middle of the story. "The" question ought to be rather clear by the end of the first chapter, or the third to be generous. Chapter One, we're in antagonist territory squabbling among the bad guys. Chapter Two, I'm thread bare weary with Nix's ongoing never ending pain of Chapter one in Nix one. Answer, one of the minor antagonists is captured and may provide an answer to some question... We are ramping up to the climax of the story where everything comes to a head and the question in book one about Nix's revenge may very well happen!

Nix three, begins in media res of the second to last scene in Nix two. What's the question? By the end of Nix three about every question you've wondered about, including the primary quest of Nix's revenge reaches a climax and conclusion. The end, with enough foreshadowing to suggest the story may continue. That's good for me, I'll pass on the rest.

Read on: Apr 26, 29, 30, May 1, & 3, 2021
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✒ Written by: Shannon Mayer
🗣 Read by: Khristine Hvam
🔊 Format: E-book & Audiobook 29 Chapters, 352 Print pages
🕑 Run Time: 11:17:50